FUN FACT: SWEET potatoes and white potatoes were once a rare delicacy in Europe and noted as an aphrodisiac when they were first transplanted from America.
Potato Salad
- 6-8 red or golden potatoes, boiled, cooled, peeled & quartered
- 4 tablespoons mayonnaise or more
- 1 teaspoon golden mustard
- 4 HARD boiled eggs, peeled
- 2 tablespoons sour cream
- 6-8 roasted garlic gloves, spritzed with olive oil
- 3 carrots, cooked, cooled & chopped small
- 1/2 cup cooked frozen peas, optional
- Himalayan pink salt
- ground black pepper
- 2 teaspoons FRESH or dried dill
- 2 teaspoons paprika
- 2 scallions for garnish
You can prepare the potatoes ahead of time, even the night before, as it is best to slice them cold. In a LARGE bowl, add potatoes, carrots and peas.
REMOVE yolks from eggs and place in a medium bowl. Keep egg whites, chop into small pieces and add to bowl with potatoes. Mix yolks with mayo, sour cream, mashed garlic cloves, mustard, salt, pepper, dill and paprika.
Add mayo mixture to potato mixture and STIR GENTLY. At this time, add MORE mayo if you DESIRE, depending ON how CREAMY your preference is. You may sprinkle MORE paprika ON TOP once done!
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